Peace and Harmony

Peace and Harmony

One does not imagine a sound body without a sound mind. Strong and healthy body is not the only thing that will make you happy and satisfied with your life. Many professional and successful sportsmen have experienced life difficulties and ups and downs in their life because they lacked a sound mind. Peaceful and stress-free life can help to have a sound mind in a sound body. Therefore, there is a necessity in a good balance between body, mind, and spirit. Even though many of us would deny the fact that spirituality plays a crucial role in our life, later in life we come to the realization that spirit the same as body and mind needs peace and harmony to attain happiness.

Even doctors agree that the major part of diseases and bad health conditions are caused by a low spirit, negative thinking, stressful life, and lack of peace of mind. A person is not able to relax and enjoy the beauty of life because constant stress causes anxiety and body being strained. Such state of body and mind can be compared to a slave imprisoned and tied with chained hands. Every movement is the pain, no hope for release and no hope for meaningful and happy life. Many people do not even realize they are destined to be tied with chained hands because of constant stress and worries.

Our courses and webinars are designed to help you discover your inner self and attain the strengths to break the ties and chains of stress and worries. Take the first step and free your mind to open up for happiness and success. Our mission is to help you free your mind and become happy. We will teach you to balance harmony of your body, mind, and spirit. If you have felt like a tied man for a long time and you are desperate to get free and become happy, you are in the right place. Welcome to Body Mind Spirit!

Vibrant Colors of Your Life

Vibrant Colors of Your Life

Happy people see life in bright colors while unhappy ones see it only in black and white shades. Your state of happiness greatly depends on your personality, way of thinking, attitude to other people etc. And the universe has much to offer to those who possess kind heart and generous soul.

Many people take for granted the strong bond between the universe and an individual. If you feel happy and positive, you are sending positive thoughts and messages into the universe. The more positive thoughts are sent the more you are receiving back.

Some people seem to be chasing happiness but cannot reach it anywhere. Others tend to confuse temporary feelings of pleasure with true happiness. They do not understand that happiness can be found in simple things like watching a child playing or taking the first steps, a butterfly hovering over a tulip, or a raindrop moving slowly down the window glass. The main point is how you perceive life and whether you truly enjoy the beauty of this moment here and now.

There are no alternatives to our Body Mind Spirit project where you can learn to grow spiritually, become a happy and successful individual of the happy universe. Our courses and webinars are designed to serve as the guides and milestones for you to enjoy all the vibrant colors of your life. And our spiritual leader Spiros Tsiaousis will be leading your by the hand as your father towards your dreams. Happy universe is waiting for you to become happy too. Don’t miss your chance and start learning with other members of the unique project now.

Enjoy the Beauty of Life

Enjoy the Beauty of Life

Can you see the beauty of life, the harmony between you and other people, the unique balance between every individual and the universe? This beauty and harmony are the foundation of the human happiness. If you are positive and nice, if you help others and give generously, the universe will pay you back with the same coin: you also will be helped and given when you truly need it. Being kind and open-minded to other people each of us is spreading fluids of goodness, happiness, and generosity into the universe. The universe will give back much more.

The laws of the universe are logical and stable. Our project Body Mind Spirit is directed towards discovering the laws of harmony and happiness of the universe as well as realizing individual strengths which are part of the universal laws too.

Body Mind Spirit engaging webinars and courses will teach how to use your inner powers to be in unity and harmony with the universe. And only then you will get the chance to attain happiness and ultimate success. You will be surprised by the depth of our theoretical material and simplicity of practical guides on how to complete your journey inwards to reach the greatest happiness. Spiritual guru of Body Mind Spirit Spiros Tsiaousis will lead you along your journey and you will always feel his strong support and guidance. Don’t miss your chance and become a happy individual in the happy universe from today onwards.

Happy You in the Happy Universe

Happy You in the Happy Universe

No matter what your nationality, skin color, gender, age, background, education, religion is, you are a part of the universe. It is impossible to imagine the existence of the universe without every individual who makes a contribution to the harmony and happiness laws of the universe. Mindful people are aware of these laws and make a conscious contribution, while others contribute unconsciously following their intuition or life calling. Obviously, the humanity is a part of nature and the universe. Taking into account the fact that happiness is part of the universe, it is part of each of us. The more happy people there are in the world, the greater the overall happiness of the universe is. Now, can you imagine a happy ‘you’ as part of the happy universe?

Even though happiness does not depend on the material or social status of a person, many of us complain about being unhappy. Routine activities, boring tasks, problems at work and home make people sad and miserable.  The majority of the population is so busy with their work responsibilities, family problems and else that they are unable to stop and see the beauty of the word, other people, nature and the universe. The Body Mind Spirit project is designed to help individuals to discover beauty and happiness which is flourishing side by side in every individual, every smile, every flower, every raindrop, every snowflake, every ant, and even the tiniest bacterium. Webinars and courses will give you an exceptional possibility to make a journey inwards and see the beauty of yourself which lies in harmony with the beauty of the universe. Don’t just envision “the happy you” in the happy universe, but start transforming into a happy person by registering for our course.